Viola Blache

©Lukas Diller

I am Viola, a passionate ensemble singer, soloist and performer, based in Leipzig.

My musicianship is driven by the desire for connection. I’m influenced by human relations, and by constantly crossing paths with artistic creators from diverse backgrounds.

My main focus is interpretation of early and contemporary music. I’m fascinated by history and concepts of the future, trying to explore how these two relate to the present time.

Having grown up in Leipzig, in the supportive environment of a musical family, I feel connected to the German church music tradition. My background led me to study historical singing in my home town, and later opened up the opportunity of collaborating with such ensembles as Collegium Vocale Gent (Philippe Herreweghe) and Vox Luminis (Lionel Meunier). Along the way, I have enjoyed learning from singers such as Dorothee Mields, Emma Kirkby, and Peter Kooij.

At the age of twelve I started singing with my closest childhood friends. We have continued with our shared passion, and today our group, Sjaella, is a well-known female vocal ensemble.

Sjaella has shown me how musical experiences can be created by bringing together individual personalities. Performing in a group means exploring, playing, and struggling together. Independently, but depending on each other.

My desire to expand my musical horizons led me to study Italian and the art of Bel Canto in Florence. Later I did my master’s in Amsterdam with Xenia Meijer, where I explored the field of interdisciplinary performance and improvisation.





viola blache by antjekroeger (22 von 30).jpg

I perform the music that I gravitate to: renaissance polyphony, English lute songs, early Italian arias of the Seconda Pratica, German protestant music, early and later oratory, Baroque opera, American songs of the 20th century, contemporary music, and my own improvised music. Another of my artistic aims is to work with composers, and to interpret and develop new compositions.



J.S.Bach - Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier, BWV 469
with Mieneke van der Velden - Viola da gambe, Mike Fentross - theorbo, recorded at Haarlem Philharmonie, May 2021

improvisation on the Chorale “Christum wir sollen loben schon”, recorded at Haarlem Philharmonie, May 2021

George Crumb (*1929) - Night
with Jaap Kooi - grand piano, recorded at MuziekHaven Zaandam, Sept 2020

Girolamo Frescobaldi - Così mi disprezzate
with Julius Lorscheider - harpsichord, Bernhard Reichel - theorbo, recorded at Conservatorium van Amsterdam, 2019


©Lara Müller

  • Sjaella is a female vocal ensemble with a broad repertoire encompassing contemporary compositions, early music, folk songs, and vocal jazz. One of the group’s main aims is to collaborate closely with composers and arrangers to promote further development of the female vocal repertoire. Sjaella has performed many concerts across Germany and worldwide, it has released five albums, and won several major vocal competitions.

  • Viola Blache and Elina Albach present their current duo program which combines songs by Johann Sebastian Bach (from Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach & Schemelli Gesangbuch), Björk (from 34 scores for harpsichord, organ, piano and celesta) and Caroline Shaw.

    1 April, 2024 at Thüringer Bachwochen
    15:00, Rathaushalle Mühlhausen

    24 August, 2024 at Lehniner Sommermusiken
    21:00, Kloster Lehnin

    31 August, 2024 at Köthener Bachfesttage
    13:00, Schloss Köthen

©Michael Staab

 album appearances


Stephanie Watin
Nibelungenplatz 5 // 50739 Köln
phone +49 221 20463037

Viola Blache
Steinstraße 23 // 04275 Leipzig
phone +49 15128218971

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Viola Blache